Schedule for the Day:

January 23, 2025
You do not need to register to attend. Come and enjoy the day!

9:00-11:00 Tours of the Capitol/ Activities in the Visitor Center. (Both available by reservation only).
10:00-1:00 Academic Displays available for viewing in the Rotunda
11:00-1:00 Lunch Served (reserved lunches in the Rotunda)  Families may bring lunches to eat in the Visitor Center or dine at local restaurants.
12:00-12:30 Musicians Perform
1:30 Group Photo on the Capitol Steps
2:00 Senate General Session (Our group will be introduced.)
2:30 House of Representatives General Session (Our group will be introduced.)

Tips and Information:

  • Parking at the Capitol may be full. There is parking on the side streets. Be prepared to walk a block or two. You will need to pass through a security check at the Capitol entrance. There will be a coat rack near the door.
  • The Visitor Center located next door to the Capitol is reserved for our use for the day. You are welcome to bring a lunch and eat there. This year,  there is a Planetarium Experience available for those who are registered.
  • You are welcome to attend any committee meetings happening in the morning that day. The schedule and locations are found on the SD Legislature website.
  • If you are pre-registered for a tour, please meet at the gift shop located on the first floor five minutes before your scheduled tour time.
  • Lunch in the Rotunda is only available to those who have pre-paid. Other options: you can bring a sack lunch and eat in the Visitor Center, eat downstairs in the cafeteria, or dine at a local restaurant.
  • Dress to impress and maintain a professional demeanor. We must show respect for everyone and the procedures taking place.
  • Don’t forget to get your copy of the FAIRSD Free Interactive SD Civics Guide!